
Which Of The Following Is An Advantage Of Using Email Communication?

Why Is Email Important in Business Communication?

By Laurel Storm

Email is an essential tool for business communication.

i Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images

The fact that email has great importance in modern business communication is undeniable. Every day, millions of emails are sent from companies to customers and suppliers, from employees to their managers and from one coworker to another. There are several reasons for the preponderance of email when compared to other methods of communication.


Email is sent and received almost instantaneously, whether the recipient is a few doors down or thousands of miles away. Because of this, using email streamlines both internal and external communication, making it faster and easier to transmit and disseminate important information and allowing for almost real time status updates. In turn, the continuous flow of relevant information makes employees and executives alike more efficient and productive, enabling quick responses to any issue that may arise.

Record Keeping

Email messages remain in an user's inbox unless deliberately deleted, and both stand-alone email software and webmail services offer a search function and filters that make tracking down a specific message only take a matter of seconds. This creates a virtual paper trail that is far more efficient than printed documents filed away in a drawer, making it extremely easy to extract important information from email communication.

Low Costs

Email is one of the cheapest ways a business can use to communicate, both internally and externally. Small businesses can simply sign up for free email with providers such as Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail; even for larger companies, the overhead cost of maintaining a dedicated email server is relatively low. The cost difference is especially striking when considering mass communication. For example, the cost of printing and delivering a set of marketing fliers or letter is many times that required to send the information through email.


Email allows companies to efficiently and effectively spread information about their products and services, both to existing customers and potential ones. For example, a clothing company could set up an email list to which anybody can subscribe, then send weekly emails to everybody on the list detailing new additions to the catalog. Similarly, a company specializing in business software might contact other companies directly by email to inquire whether they may find their services useful.


Writer Bio

Laurel Storm has been writing since 2001, and helping people with technology for far longer than that. Some of her articles have been published in "Messaggero dei Ragazzi", an Italian magazine for teenagers. She holds a Master of Arts in writing for television and new media from the University of Turin.

Which Of The Following Is An Advantage Of Using Email Communication?


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