
Off to a Wobbly Start: Sony’s PlayStation Network Lurches to Life

The good news is, Sony shares are up off reports the PlayStation Network, Sony Online Amusement, and media-streaming service Qriocity returned from the hereafter this weekend. The bad news is, it's one of those part-zombie resurrections: the PlayStation Network's only partly working, and even then, only for some.

Blame droves of eager PSN members, who reacted to the tidings the like any reasonable gamer would, aside full-along bum-rushing the network. That didn't go finished well with Sony central, which buckled, so temporarily blacked outgoing. The company revealed last night that it was "experiencing [set] a heavy load of password resets" and had to "[turn] off the services for 30 minutes to clear the queue." (Sony reiterated this happening its PlayStation blog.)

"If you've requested your watchword readjust, it's taking time to realise all of the ISPs, sol please give information technology a trifle of time to reach your email," added Sony in a followup tweet.

Sony began restoring service connected a phased country-aside-body politic basis Saturday, May 14, starting with "the Americas, Europe, Commonwealth of Australi, New Zealand Islands, and Middle East." The "first phase" list of services back included online gameplay, PSN video rental playback, friends lists on with related features, and access to media services Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, and

Grand, but what've they done to make us safer?

Sony claims information technology's added "considerable enhancements to the data security, including updating and adding advanced security department technologies, additional software monitoring and penetration and vulnerability testing, and increased levels of encryption and additional firewalls."

Sony says it's also added "a variety of past measures to the net base including an early-warning system for unusual activity patterns that could indicate an attempt to via media the network."

In a press statement, Sony executive deputy president Kazuo Hirai apologized for the second time to Sony customers, explaining the lengthy delay was because "we did not bang to do so at the expense of extensively and aggressively examination our enhanced security measures." The company also dropped in a citation from Symantec's senior vice president Francis deSouza, who took aim at cyber-crime, citing "a dramatic advance in the loudness of cyber attacks, their edification and their touch on connected businesses."

"Today's cyber crime attacks are proving to be more covert, more targeted and better organized than those we've seen in days yesteryear," said deSouza. "In working with Sony connected the move of their data-center, information technology's clear they'Re implementing measures to contract security risks moving forward."

Make what you will of the company Sony paid to assistant fortify the PSN (as opposed to an independent security auditor) claiming all's good with the world.

Will it be enough? Place your bets—the parvenu security measures could in fact act as a hacker goad—but we can hope.

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