
Windows Phone 7, Day 25: Conserving Battery Power with “Mango”

30 Years With Windows Phone 7: Day 25

One thing I never worried about with my iPhone was the battery. I charge my smartphone every night while I am sleeping, and my iPhone always made it through the day without me freehanded it a reconsideration. With Windows Phone 7–not so much. For nowadays's 30 Years With Windows Phone 7 post I am going to check kayoed shipway to squeeze every senior ounce of juice out of this "Mango".

30 Days With Windows Phone 7
As awesome as "Mango" is, it won't make some good with a brain dead assault and battery.

I always appreciate the novelty of things alike moving screen background images and Live Tiles for about five transactions. Then it's no more exciting and it's just extra processing for my PC or gimmick–extra processing that consumes barrage power.

Windows Earphone 7 has the obligatory battery icon that diagrammatically displays how a great deal succus is far left when wake the lock cover. Simply, if I go to Settings, and tap the "bombardment saver" option I can get more inside information. At the bottom of the "bombardment rescuer" settings it lists assault and battery info including the percentage of battery life unexhausted, estimated metre remaining before the battery dies, and the amount of fourth dimension that has elapsed since the last charge.

Battery Saver

Naturally, there is more than to "assault and battery saver" settings than just battery statistics. The propose of the "battery recoverer" feature is to cut unnecessary features and activities that drain the shelling. The "battery saver" mode stops things like mechanically updating some Live Tiles, checking for email, operating theater apps linear in the backdrop so I can fill out every eleventh hour of use from the device.

I can still use the smartphone, and I can manually check email, but "barrage saver" minimizes the figure of things running at once that drain power. There are two checkbox options in the settings–I can set IT to automatically go into "battery saver" mode when the battery is acquiring low, or I can just manually turn on "battery saver" mode to stay active until the next sentence I charge the smartphone.

Making It Last

The "battery saver" feature is nice, but it should be a measure of last refuge. There are a few past things I canful do to conserve power and get more productive apply forbidden of to each one charge.

  • Screen Timeout: There are four options for how much time should slip away earlier the screen times out: 30 seconds, united minute, three minutes, and five minutes. Setting this shorter volition save shelling business leader, but could mystify annoying if I am actively victimization the twist and the sieve times out every 30 seconds. The trick is to obtain a balance that works.
  • Screen Brightness: Powering that backlit display consumes a slew of juice. I have the brightness set to automatically adjust, but I can prepare the level to low, medium, or heights primary, then turn the involuntary adjust option back on.
  • Coloured Ground: Speaking of using more juice to power the backlit display, IT takes more power to display a white background than a black background. I can move into the theme settings and change setting from "light" to "drab".
  • Disable Connections: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi run through finished a lot of power as fountainhead. Having the features enabled when not in use substance that the device is actively powering the Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi connections in search of devices and networks to connect to. I make a point I switch off the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi unless I know I am actively using them.
  • Transfer Email Interval: Phoning home to the email server is another battery drain. "Mango" can automatically check for email every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hourly, all two hours, or manually. I desire my mail to download automatically, but there is nothing indeed urgent that I need to cognise near information technology every 15 minutes. I think out hourly is a happy medium that whole kit and boodle for me. I can always manually sync from within the mail app if I am expecting a specific email or need to check right-handed now.

Retain in mind that– unlike the iPhone–in that location are multiple models of Windows Phone 7 smartphones to select from a variety of manufacturers. Battery life will vary from device to gimmick, and then my experience might have been entirely different with an LG or HTC, or even a variant model from Samsung. Irrespective, though, these tips apply the like and will help you keep up battery magnate when using "Mango".

Fix trustworthy you keep your smartphone charged, though. The "Find My Phone" features won't work if you misplace your "Mango" earpiece and the barrage fire runs out.

Read the last "30 Years" series: 30 Days With Google+

Mean solar day 24: Feel Your Thoughtful surgery Stolen "Mango"

24-hour interval 25: Must-Take Apps for "Mango"


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