
How To Clean Iridium Spark Plugs

How to make clean iridium spark plugs – Best fashion to clean them

What exercise y'all exercise when yous find that your spark plugs are worn-out or old? Yous replace them.

But, what if nosotros told you that it's not time yet? Unless they are damaged, there is one way to get actress miles from them and that is cleaning them.

Unfortunately, it is non as like shooting fish in a barrel as but pick removing them from the vehicle and wiping them down. No, you can't hose them down either. If you are planning on cleaning your iridium spark plugs, in that location are certain things that you should call back.

Cleaning spark plugs – things to call back

clean spark plugsMany people are under the impression that you tin can follow the same procedure to clean whatever type of spark plugs. If you try a one-size-fits-all approach here, you will end upwards spoiling the plug altogether. Using these damaged plugs will lead to significantly serious problems.

The principal difference between copper, platinum, and iridium spark plugs is the tips. Each of them has a tip made of the specified fabric. Iridium tips are particularly known to be very fine while copper tips are slightly bigger. In one of the common cleaning procedures, yous volition see the usage of sandpaper. This works for copper plugs simply if you sand an iridium tip, you volition damage it.

How to make clean iridium spark plugs

Now that we have explained the caveats, let's go through the steps to clean iridium spark plugs in particular:

  • Use a make clean rag to wipe the firing tip and the plug. Be gentle.
  • Now, take a quick-dry out cleaner and spray it onto the firing tip.
  • Leave the plug alone for 10 minutes so that the deposits loosen.
  • After 10 minutes, use a wire brush to remove all these deposits.
  • With an air compressor, blow the plug off. This will remove any subconscious deposits.
  • Re-gap the spark plug.
  • Starting time using it.

Should you make clean your spark plugs?

While there is a style to clean spark plugs, experts say that you should avoid it if you lot can. Replacing them is about e'er safer than attempting to clean them. This is considering any lax through the process can cause problems. Here are a few points to note:

  • Clean the plugs properly and thoroughly. If y'all clean them insufficiently, they will fail very presently, negating the trouble you went through.
  • Some people dip the spark plugs in water to clean them. Please don't practice this.
  • Always clean i spark plug at a time, without attempting to do them all at once.
  • If your plug is not working properly fifty-fifty after thorough cleaning, y'all must replace it.

Iridium spark plugs are sensitive. They volition exist your partners for 80,000 to 100,000 miles or then but when they are worn-out, they deserve to be replaced. It is the all-time matter to practice. And so, if yous are not confident well-nigh cleaning them, please don't do it. Replacement saves a lot of hassle and protects the vehicle from potential dangers.

If you lot have whatever doubts, most spark plugs, you know how to reach us.


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